FREE eBook eReader software - An App for iPod Touch/ iPhone Compatible with iOS version 4.2

Post last updated: October 2014. Updated Freading 1.0 link below. Freading 2.1 doesn't support iOS 4.2 compatible devices.

"The most technologically efficient machine that man has ever invented is the book." - Northrop Frye.

You are reading this because you are a good reader and you want your old iPod or iPhone to be able to carry your best friend - the ebook ereader. But alas, you know that the iBooks app requires a minimum of iOS 7.0 whereas your iPod Touch can no longer travel the iOS road beyond its 4.2.1 limit.

Here comes our rescue partner, when I was exactly at that crossroads. Left alone to ponder over this issue with some apps that promise to deliver but fail what I really wanted - to just read books. Simple. That's it.

Finding your perfect eReader app for free for your old iOS device with 4.2.1 as the last version has become easier now.

EDIT: Freading, as on October 2014 is upgraded to 2.1 in the Apple App Store and is no longer compatible with iOS 4.2 devices. Hence, I am providing my archived version (Freading 1.0) that I use in my iPod Touch with iOS 4.2 version.

You can download the older version of Freading from here.

The app's name is Freading - Library Ideas, LLC this app comes to our rescue. It does a simple job - let's you read, peacefully. 

Supports ePub, PDF - the two of most used ebook formats. Best of all, this app comes for free!

This app is available from the iTunes Appstore, with the base version as iOS 4.0. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Let me know your thoughts and other app suggestions. Please leave your comments below.

 Download Freading 1.0  

Think About It # 4

Just because you got used to your surroundings, it doesn't mean you can take them for granted or ignore them.
Think About It.

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Try to enliven old habits (like switching off from technology for few minutes, taking a walk focusing on breathing) while going with the flow in busy life. I feel happy to have found my lost old selves, or rather younger selves, when I do that.

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Think About It # 1

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Quick Tech Trick # 8: How To Open Microsoft Command Prompt Window In Any Folder

If you've have tried navigating to a specific folder using Windows Command Prompt Screen by manually typing the code in that little black window screen, you will agree with me that even pros sometimes have to do a trial and error to get it correct.

That's when this surprise little trick will come in handy:

Whenever you want to open the command window in a particular location, just do a 'shift + right click' on a blank space within that folder and you'll find a new context menu entry there – "Open Command Window Here".

If you are an avid command prompt user, you will thank this trick (of course if you didn't know about this earlier).

Written by Arun Sarathy

WearFin - A Wearable Thumb Gadget - A Breakthrough Invention By An Indian

Technology keeps changing everyday. There is some new invention in some part of the world every day. Only some ideas make to the top and get named as Facebook, Google, Apple and become a huge fan following brands. Though we come across many such ideas daily, only few makes our heads turn and in this case the fingers.

"Fin" is a small wearable device that can be worn on your thumb as a ring and it can convert your palm into a gesture controlled station. This project has raised about $202,448 from some 1500+ people around the world who have pre-ordered the product as well.