Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts - Most Essential Cheat Sheet For Facebook Addicts

Facebook as a sharing platform has accomplished its goal. No doubt. Its niche is constantly evolving with new updates from every corner of the world. Overnight, any individual over 13 years of age and any business can create a tiny website for themselves by way of a profile or a page, respectively.

Access Keys - Keyboard Shortcuts for Facebook Users with Disabilities

Facebook, since its founding on February 4, 2004 has grown to an extent even its founder has not dreamed of when it was started. Today any person can create their own Facebook profile for free, only catch being aged 13 or more.

How to add a Facebook 'Like' button to your blog or website

Facebook Like button
Facebook has become a part of our lives in many ways.

One such is to attract more readers and friends of readers to your blog or site. To do this, first and foremost one should have an already created page in Facebook. If you are not sure how to do that then simply click on 'create a page' in the main Facebook login window.