Showing posts with label guides. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guides. Show all posts

Best website to learn the summary of every Matt Cutts video on SEO out there

Matt Cutts, (bio) the head of the web spam team at Google has provided a number of videos talking about SEO, blogging best practices and answering questions from bloggers worldwide. His videos are not only informative but are very short and precise.

10 Great Videos To Supercharge Your Blog Or Website - Google Webmaster Videos

These videos are a part of the Google Webmaster series posted on YouTube. I have collected them and posted here in a single place so anyone who wants to learn a few basics and few advanced topics on SEO and Blogging can be benefited.

How to keep the paragraph settings as default in Microsoft Word

When typing in a word document you may notice that by default the line spacing is either 1.5 lines or 2 which is quite irritating while editing a normal, personal word document - nothing official.

Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts - Most Essential Cheat Sheet For Facebook Addicts

Facebook as a sharing platform has accomplished its goal. No doubt. Its niche is constantly evolving with new updates from every corner of the world. Overnight, any individual over 13 years of age and any business can create a tiny website for themselves by way of a profile or a page, respectively.

Access Keys - Keyboard Shortcuts for Facebook Users with Disabilities

Facebook, since its founding on February 4, 2004 has grown to an extent even its founder has not dreamed of when it was started. Today any person can create their own Facebook profile for free, only catch being aged 13 or more.

Gmail update: Reach more people you know

Here is a cool update from the Gmail team early this year (2014).

What this update means to you?
If you want to send an email to people who haven't yet exchanged the email addresses with you, then this feature might come in handy. But for this to work, what Gmail does is just suggest your Google+ connections as probably recipients when you type in the first few letters of your intended recipients. For this to work, you need not even add the email addresses to your contacts - it shows up as they are already in your Google+ contacts.

Quick Tech Trick # 7: How to show two time zones in your MS Outlook?

Category: Windows | Outlook | Productivity

Some of us have clients or friends outside our home country, who may live in a different time zone. Planning a meeting or an appointment which should suit best for both could be a challenge in such a situation. That's when a feature in Microsoft Outlook's Calendar comes in handy. Just follow these steps:

How to keep a watch on your Google AdSense revenue regularly?

Category: Blogging | Utilities

First, ensure you are using Google Chrome. Trust me, it gets better with this browser. Then install the Google Publisher Toolbar, an extension from the Google Web Store.

Quick Tech Trick # 5: How to give a URL in blog comments - Wordpress, Blogger

Category: Blogging | Commenting

How do you provide a URL in the comments section of a blog?

Wordpress or Blogger - be it anywhere. You might want to provide a URL without providing the visible "https" section.

How to apply for Voters’ ID card online (India)?

It is every citizen’s responsibility to vote. Even if one is not interested to vote, options are there to go to the ballot and press a button that conveys your no-interest in voting. However, it’s our collectively taken decisions during these elections which decides who would be our leaders.